After the death of his grandmother, Tom Lee discovers he is part of a long lineage of magical protectors known as the Guardians. With guidance from a...
Malik, a young Parisian hustler, discovers that his stepfather Serge, a famous bank robber, has been arrested along with his accomplices. During the...
During World War II, an American major is captured by the Germans and thrown into a POW camp run by a sadistic Nazi officer, whose main pleasures are...
The terrorist organization "Waganbu" infiltrated Hong Kong and set off a battle for chemical weapons in Hong Kong. Fan Shaofeng, the commander of the...
Full-time mom Cha Heung Sin grew up under the strict discipline of first-generation tiger mom Ding Kwai Yin. She unintentionally formulates a series...
About to embark on a new world tour, global pop sensation Skye Riley begins experiencing increasingly terrifying and inexplicable events. Overwhelmed...
After the unexpected death of the Pope, Cardinal Lawrence is tasked with managing the covert and ancient ritual of electing a new one. Sequestered in...
The 2024 Survivor Series: WarGames was a professional wrestling event produced by the American promotion WWE. It was the 38th annual Survivor Series,...
While scavenging the deep ends of a derelict space station, a group of young space colonizers come face to face with the most terrifying life form in...